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European Society
for Cognitive and
Affective Neuroscience

Members of the Board

ESCAN board 2022-2024

Agnieszka Wykowska (President 2023)

Social Cognition in Human-Robot Interaction Unit, Italian Institute of Technology, Genoa, Italy homepage  |

Giorgia Silani (Media Officer, President 2024)

Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna, Austria
homepage |

Laura Crucianelli (Secretary)

Queen Mary University of London, UK
homepage |

Lorena Chanes

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
homepage  |

Aikaterini (Katerina) Fotopoulou

University College London, London, UK
homepage  |

Shaimaa Nasr Amin

Hashemite University and Cairo University, Egypt
homepage  |

Henk van Steenbergen (website)

Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition, Leiden University, the Netherlands
homepage   |

Nicolas Burra

University of Geneva, Switzerland
homepage  |

Francesca Ciardo

Italian Institute of Technology, Italy

Matthias Wieser (Treasurer)

Clinical and Biological Psychology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
homepage  |

Members of the Board (2020-2022)


Manos Tsakiris (President)

Department of Psychology, Social and Affective Processes, Royal Holloway University of London, UK. homepage

 Suzanne Oosterwijk (Secretary)

Department of Social Psychology, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
homepage  |

Matthias Wieser (Treasurer)

Clinical and Biological Psychology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
homepage  |

Giorgia Silani (Media Officer, President-Elect)

Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna, Austria
homepage | 

Agnieszka Wykowska (President-Elect)

Social Cognition in Human-Robot Interaction Unit, Italian Institute of Technology, Genoa, Italy homepage  |

Lorena Chanes

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
homepage  | 

Aikaterini (Katerina) Fotopoulou

University College London, London, UK
homepage  |

Shaimaa Nasr Amin

Hashemite University and Cairo University, Egypt
homepage  |

Henk van Steenbergen (Website)

Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition, Leiden University, the Netherlands
homepage   |

Members of the Board (2018-2020)


Bernhard Hommel (President)

Department of Psychology, Leiden University, The Netherlands
homepage  |

Fernando Ferreira-Santos (Secretary)

Laboratory of Neuropsychophysiology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto, Portugal 
homepage  |

Matthias Wieser (Treasurer)

Clinical and Biological Psychology, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
homepage  |

Giorgia Silani (Media Officer)

Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna, Austria
homepage |

Lorenza Colzato (Member until January 2020)

Department of Cognitive Neurophysiology, Faculty of Medicine, University Clinic, Dresden homepage  |

Susan Oosterwijk

Department of Social Psychology, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
homepage  |

Manos Tsakiris

Department of Psychology, Social and Affective Processes, Royal Holloway University of London, UK. homepage  |

Agnieszka Wykowska

Social Cognition in Human-Robot Interaction Unit, Italian Institute of Technology, Genoa, Italy homepage  |

Members of the Board (2016-2018)


Sonja Kotz (President)

Research Group “Subcortical contributions to comprehension”, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
homepage  |

Bernhard Hommel (President-Elect, Deputy-Treasurer)

Department of Psychology, Leiden University, The Netherlands
homepage  |

Annekathrin Schacht (Treasurer)

Institute of Psychology Affective Neuroscience and Psychophysiology Lab, University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany
homepage  |

Frank Van Overwalle

Department of Psychology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
homepage  |

Lorenza Colzato (Secretary)

Principal investigator at Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition and the Department of Psychology, Cognitive Psychology Unit, Leiden University, The Netherlands
homepage  |

Fernando Ferreira-Santos

Laboratory of Neuropsychophysiology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
homepage  |

Artur Marchewka Laboratory of Brain Imaging (LOBI),Neurobiology Center, The Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland
homepage  |

Manos Tsakiris Department of Psychology, Social and Affective Processes, Royal Holloway University of Londen, UK.
homepage  |


Members of the Board (until 2016)

Paul Pauli, past President (2014-2016)
Department of Psychology (Biological Psychology, Clinical Psychology, and Psychotherapy), University of Würzburg, Germany
homepage  |
Lars Nyberg (2014-2016)
Department of Radiation Sciences, Umea University, Sweden
homepage  |
Franck Vidal, past President (2012-2014)
Laboratoire de Neurobiologie de la Cognition, Université de Provence, Marseille, France
homepage  |
Maurits van der Molen, past President (2010-2012)
Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
homepage  |
Koen Böcker, past Treasurer (until 2014)
Alan Turing Institute Almere, The Netherlands
homepage  |
Gilles Pourtois, past Secretary (until 2014)
Department of Experimental-Clinical and Health Psychology, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
homepage  |
Pedro Montoya
Research Institute on Health Sciences - IUNICS, Universitat Illes Balears, Spain
homepage  |
Philippe Peigneux
Faculty of Psychological and Educational Sciences, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
homepage  |
Ivar Reinvang
Center for the Study of Human Cognition, Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, Norway
homepage  |
Mark Molnar
Institute of Psychology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences,Budapest, Hungary
homepage  |
Torsten Baldeweg
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Institute of Child Health (UCL), London, UK
homepage  |

Founding Members

M. (Martijn) Arns, The Netherlands
T. (Torsten) Baldeweg, United Kingdom
F. (Fernando) Barbosa, Portugal
K.B.E. (Koen) Böcker, The Netherlands
R. (Rainer) Bösel, Germany
A. (Albert) Boxus, France
C.H.M. (Kees) Brunia, The Netherlands
N. (Nicole) Bruneau, France
B. (Borís) Burlé, France
L. (Laurence) Casini, France
V. (Valéria) Csépe, Hungary
v. (Vilfredo) De Pascalis, Italy
M. (Michael) Falkenstein, Germany
K. (Kristian) Folta-Schoofs, Germany
M. (Marie-Hélène) Giard-Steiner, France
E. (Esperanza) Gonzalez-Bono, Spain
B. (Bahar) Güntekin, Turkey
N. (Nouchine) Hadjikhani, Switzerland
B. (Bernhard) Hommel, The Netherlands
K. (Keneth) Hugdahl, Finland
R. (Risto) Ilmoniemi, Finland
T. (Tom) Johnstone, United Kingdom
S. (Sonja) Kotz, Germany
M. (Mark) Molnar, Hungary
D. (Dominique) Morlet, France
L. (Lars) Nyberg, Sweden
P. (Paul) Pauli, Germany
P. (Phillip) Peigneux, Belgium
J. (Joseph) Peuskens, Belgium
G. (Gilles) Pourtois, Belgium
V. (Vladimir) Polyakov, Russia
B. (Boris) Quednow, Switzerland
I. (Ivar) Reinvang, Norway
H. (Henrique) Sequeira, France
G. (Geert) van Boxtel, The Netherlands
M.W. (Maurits) van der Molen, The Netherlands
F. (Franck) Vidal, France
V. (Vladimirs) Voicehovskis, Latvia

The European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience aims to promote scientific enquiry within the field of human cognitive, affective and social neuroscience, particularly with respect to collaboration and exchange of information between researchers in different European countries through scientific meetings, workshops, summer schools, and such other activities.