ESCAN logo
European Society
for Cognitive and
Affective Neuroscience

How to become a member or renew my membership?

Click the button below to become ESCAN member:

Become a New Member

To renew your membership, simply use the link in the email that is automatically sent to you in December, right before your two-year membership expires. If you have not received an email by mid-December (double-check any SPAM folder), please contact the treasurer.

If you recently paid your fee as a new member, you will receive a separate notification by mail once we have processed your payment and added your account to the profile, enabling you to opt-in for the mailing lists. Because of the manual work involved, we update the member database to reflect the most recent payments only 3 or 4 times a year.

What are your advantages as an individual member?

Membership fee

ESCAN's philosophy is that subscriptions should be as low as possible.

The current membership fee is 35 Euros per year for full members and 5 Euros per year for junior members. In order to streamline administrative processes, fees are collected for a two-year period. Please note that your membership will be valid until 31 December of the next calendar year following your payment date.

Full members are typically staff members such as (senior) researchers, PostDocs, and Assistant, Associate, or Full Professors.

Junior members are typically Master's or Ph.D. students who do not have a Ph.D. by May 1st of the first year of this two-year cycle.

ESCAN is an association under European (Dutch) law and is registered under #50406396 at the Chamber of Commerce in Amsterdam.

See also

Mission and Vision

The European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience aims to promote scientific enquiry within the field of human cognitive, affective and social neuroscience... Read more


Laura Crucianelli (Secretary)