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European Society
for Cognitive and
Affective Neuroscience

Symposia and Organizers

A failure to filter threat?: How bottom-up and top-down control processes contribute to the expression and regulation of fear and anxiety

Dr. Carien M. van Reekum

Prof. Matthias J. Wieser

Affective influences on cognitive control: psychological processes and brain mechanisms

Prof. Gilles Pourtois

Behavioral, methodological, and neuromodulatory approaches to cognitive control: the flexibility versus persistence trade-off

Dr. Zsuzsika Sjoerds

Dr. Kerstin Fröber

Current research and emerging directions in emotional memory: evidence from healthy functioning, psychopathology, and interventions

Prof. Mathias Weymar

Prof. Florin Dolcos

Biased emotion processing in affective disorders - Influences of learning experience, context information, and brain stimulation

Dr. Sebastian Schindler

Dr. Maimu Rehbein

Deficits in empathy and prosociality? The influence of aging and clinical conditions on socio-affective processing

Dr. Federica Riva

Dr. Markus Rütgen

Emotion and action: reflexes, motivational goals and motor control

Dr. Rocco Mennella

Prof. Julie Grézes

From social cognitive neuroscience to robotics and back - What can we learn from bidirectional links between these disciplines

Prof. Agnieszka Wykowska

Prof. Giorgio Metta

Heterogeneity in autism spectrum disorders

Dr. Giorgia Silani

How motivational and learning processes shape pain and avoidance

Dr. Marta Andreatta, Dr. Marieke Jepma

In memory of John T. Cacioppo

Prof. Arvid Kappas

Prof. Claus Lamm

Interactive brains: neural mechanisms of two-person social interaction

Dr. Antonia Hamilton

Predictive processing approaches in affective neuroscience

Dr. Fernando Ferreira-Santos

Putting interoception at the heart of social cognition: addressing methodological, conceptual and research challenges

Prof. Manos Tsakiris

Recent developments in the neuropsychology of flavor processing

Dr. Lotte F. van Dillen

Reinforcement learning in a social world

Dr. Björn Lindström

Dr. Philip Pärnamets

Self-control beyond impulse inhibition: neural mechanisms of self-control and their contribution to dietary choice

Dr. Alexander Soutschek

Self-voice perception and its role in autism and auditory hallucinations

Laura Rachman, Dr. Jean-Julien Aucouturier

Social motivation and reward: a multi-level, multi method approach

Dr. Giorgia Silani

Socio-affective influences on stimulus perception and memory formation

Dr. Sebastian Schindler

The balance between you and me: Integrating social, affective and embodied approaches to the self-other distinction

Dr. Aikaterini (Katerina) Fotopoulou

Dr. Louise P. Kirsch

Dr. Laura Crucianelli

The cognitive function of the vagus nerve: from neural mechanisms to clinical potential

Prof. Lorenza S. Colzato

Dr. Bart Verkuil

The social brain in context: how we (dis)engage with socio-political issues

Dr. Lou Safra

Prof. Manos Tsakiris

The social cerebellum: new insights and evidence

Prof. Frank Van Overwalle

The social neuroscience of human attachment

Dr. Pascal Vrticka

You only know when it’s gone: neural (network) and behavioral effects of amygdalar lesions

Prof. Jan Van den Stock